The minor in International Affairs is especially useful for students preparing for graduate school or careers in internationally oriented fields. Completing a minor in international affairs signals to a prospective employer or graduate admissions committee that you have acquired a significant amount of knowledge about international affairs.
Minor Requirements
View the full requirements for the minor in International Affairs Georgia Tech Course Catalog. A complete set of guidelines for undergraduate minors is also available in the Georgia Tech Course Catalog.
Please note:
- Courses required by name and number and/or used to satisfy core areas A through E in a student's major degree program may not be used in satisfying the course requirements for a minor. However, courses used in a minor also may be used to fulfill other elective requirements (free electives, cluster electives, etc.) in the student's major degree program.
- A course may not be counted toward more than one minor and/or certificate.
Declaring a Minor
1. Watch this video for instructions on how to add the minor.
2. Complete the add a minor form.
3. Have your major advisor sign the form.
4. Email the form to
5. Set up an advising appointment to review DegreeWorks and get questions answered. After that appointment, your advisor will sign and submit the form.